Things that fluff my feathers

Good Day Universe,

It is  Sunday, and remarkably this was a great day. O.k., I did not climb Mount Kilimanjaro (not yet at least)  however, it was a pleasure to complete all the tasks on the to-do list. I love that feeling of accomplishment; additionally if the day concludes with a quick get together with good people, I have no reason to  complain. It is very easy to subscribe to the negativity that surrounds us however, I feel if we as people find fulfillment and happiness in the small things contributing to life, there is no reason to complain. Therefore, I wanted to share  a few items that fluff my feathers on a daily basis. As much I dislike warning others of the intended content, I realized in life there is always a 50/50 margin of people who love it or …do not care either way.  However, that will never stop so I hope somewhere in the list of things provided you will find some droplets of inspiration.

1.Aside from Greek Yogurt, my favorite chain store yogurt brand is Red Mango. Granted there is the hyped up version otherwise known as Pink-Berry, however, there is something about Red Mango that intensifies the attraction.

2. I love any form of creative outlet including and not limited to eccentric art, music, people, objects, etc. As many of you have noticed my previous posts are pretty out there. I read somewhere about increasing traffic to your site; and one factor was to add consistent content that attracts the right type of traffic to  your site. However,  due to the crossing guard in my brain taking a short indefinite vacation from her duties, the posts are the results of this temporary short circuited event.

3. I love the hell out of a good  quality, unique, entertaining, dining experience. The relationship between this Vegetarian and food can be compared to Google’s business plan; MORE! MORE! MORE! please.

4. The post midnight creative hours spent on brainstorming, creating, and writing; need I say more?

5. Who does not love Classic Rock, House, Trance, Classic Old School Hip Hop (pre women shaking their money-maker on poles and videos  this is when music was music)

6. Love…. I do not have the time to go through this whole category, however, some of you will get it

7. Spontaneous Moments of life… Do you really need an explanation?

8. Writing.. oh wait did we mention this earlier. Let us set the record straight, I love writing, it is an unspoken marriage connection; by the way I just finished my first book (eek).

9. Life and its glory

10. The best is always saved for last and in this in case it is my awesome, phenomenal, numero Uno person and that is (drum roll please) my Momsy.  Well until we meet once more, find knowledge, light, be yourself and shine bright.

By: FreeSpiritInk.

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